Search Results for: RITA

New Toy Alert: A Quick Review of Keysy
Rick Wisser// Here at BHIS we are always on the lookout for new toys. Especially if we can use them during a pentest. As a pentester, we all have a […]

Choose Wisely
The Story Behind the Shirtand making the right choice I understand that a lot of you came up and you were picked on. […] You were the one that was […]

The Hard Part of the Alphabet
Melisa Wachs// Many of you have met John, so I thought you’d enjoy this posh little gem I dug up. This picture was taken in our first home, and although I […]

WEBCAST: Tales from the Network Threat Hunting Trenches
John Strand// In this webcast, John walks through a couple of cool things we’ve found useful in some recent network hunt teams. He also shares some of our techniques and […]

A Holiday Tale of Two Teams: The Blue Team Barbie & Red Team Elf on the Shelf saga
Staff // Thanks to everyone for all the good ideas! We had so much fun with this, and hopefully it made you laugh as much as we did. Happy December! […]

Google Calendar Event Injection with MailSniper
Beau Bullock & Michael Felch // Source: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-calendar-by-google/gmbgaklkmjakoegficnlkhebmhkjfich Overview Google Calendar is one of the many features provided to those who sign up for a Google account along with other popular […]

PowerShell DNS Command & Control with dnscat2-powershell
Luke Baggett // Imagine a scenario where a Penetration Tester is trying to set up command and control on an internal network blocking all outbound traffic, except traffic towards a […]
How to Take Advantage of Weak NTFS Permissions
David Fletcher // Weak NTFS permissions can allow a number of different attacks within a target environment. This can include: Access to sensitive information Modification of system binaries and configuration […]