The Paper Password Manager
Michael Allen // Every year around the holidays I end up having a conversation with at least one friend or family member about the importance of choosing unique passwords for […]
Michael Allen // Every year around the holidays I end up having a conversation with at least one friend or family member about the importance of choosing unique passwords for […]
Justin Angel // Penetration testing and red team engagements often require operators to collect user information from various sources that can then be translated into inputs to support social engineering […]
Ray Felch // Disclaimer: Be sure to use a faraday bag or cage before transmitting any data so you don’t accidentally break any laws by illegally transmitting on regulated frequencies. […]
Brian King // Recon-ng had a major update in June 2019, from 4.9.6 to 5.0.0. This post is meant to help with the adjustment by providing a cheat sheet for […]
Sally Vandeven // We have all heard people talk about how much cooler Linux is than Windows, so much easier to use, etc. Well, they are not necessarily wrong… but we […]
Ray Felch // Disclaimer: Be sure to use a faraday bag or cage before transmitting cellular data so you don’t accidentally break any laws by illegally transmitting on regulated frequencies. Additionally, […]
Kayla Mackiewicz // Last year, fellow tester Jordan Drysdale wrote a blog post about Cisco’s Smart Install feature. His blog post can be found here. If this feature is enabled […]
Ray Felch // Disclaimer: Be sure to use a faraday bag or cage before transmitting cellular data so you don’t accidentally break any laws by illegally transmitting on regulated frequencies. […]
Slides for this webcast can be found here: More info: 2:09 Introduction to the types of cards in the deck, pricing, why we created B&B 10:25 Basic setup […]