Advanced Msfvenom Payload Generation
Joff Thyer // It has been known for some time that an executable payload generated with msfvenom can leverage an alternative template EXE file, and be encoded to better evade […]
Joff Thyer // It has been known for some time that an executable payload generated with msfvenom can leverage an alternative template EXE file, and be encoded to better evade […]
Jordan Drysdale // For the lazy server and system admins, automating those boring functions of updating packages, finding outdated ones, checking scans, et cetera, Ansible has some very nice features. […]
David Fletcher // Have you ever looked at Nessus scan results to find the below in the output? Recently I was on engagement and encountered just this situation. I found […]
Joff Thyer // Picture a scenario whereby you are involved in an internal network penetration test. Perhaps you have succeeded with a spear-phishing campaign and landed on an internal system, […]
Sierra Ward & Ethan Robish // Intro by Ethan: Sierra came up with the idea to interview me for this blog. I thought it was a great idea and after watching Rick […]
Brian Fehrman // There are numerous methods that have been published to bypass Anti-Virus products. As a result, many companies are beginning to realize that application whitelisting is another tool […]
Beau Bullock // If you have been even remotely in touch with technology in the past thirty years you have probably heard of this thing called a “firewall”. If not, […]
Brian King // All of our scanning tools tell us that we should disable the HTTP TRACE and TRACK methods. And we all think that’s because there’s something an attacker […]
Jordan Drysdale // (See Jordan’s Part 1 of this post here.) PCI-DSS strolled into town with the latest compliance package of minutiae laden IT speak at the end of last year. […]